Proposal: Traps, take 2
Times out 7-0 and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 15 Dec 2022 08:32:19 UTC
Add the following Malfeasances to the table in the rule Malfeasances:
| Set a Trap || The Trap associated with this room is Set and will trigger on the next eligible Explorer to enter the room, as per the rule Traps. || The Trap associated with this room is not already Set. || Fast || Rash
| Sudden Distraction! || The acting explorer creates an opportunity to pickpocket the named explorer. They take the chosen Item from the Items of the named explorer, should that item exist there. || An Explorer other than the actor, in the same Room as the actor, and they have an item that the actor chooses. || Wise || Slow
| Disguise as a Box || The Explorer turns invisible. For as long as they are at most one connection away from the room with this Malfeasance, their location is privately tracked by the Narrator rather than tracked publicly (though that Explorer may always request to know their own position and the Narrator should tell them). When the Explorer is two or more connections away from that room, the disguise seems out of place and their Location immediately should be revealed by the Narrator. || N/A || N/A || Unlucky
Create a subrule of Malfeasances called Traps:
When a room has a Malfeasance of “Set a Trap”, the effects of this trap are decided by the Narrator at the time that it gains that Malfeasance. It is not a Supernatural Action to set these effects, although it is suggested that the Narrator gives some weight to the requested effects from the Explorer that is Possessed by Katastrophe should they request the creation of a room with that Malfeasance.
The trap can have any number of Effects from this list, to a minimum of one:
* Snare: When the trap is triggered, the triggering Explorer’s planned action and ploy are set to Rest and cannot be changed willingly by that Explorer until the end of the next mansion phase.
* Self-locking doors: When the trap is triggered, Movement Planned Actions that would take any Explorer in or out of the room fail until the end of the next Mansion Phase.
* Trap doors: When the trap is triggered, the triggering Explorer is immediately moved through the connection in the direction chosen by the Narrator when this effect was selected, if that direction has a room.
* Poison dart: When the trap is triggered, the triggering Explorer is Poisoned: they are considered to have no Advantages and all four Disadvantages until three entire Mansion Phases have passed, not counting the phase that the trap was triggered in. The remaining duration of any Poison is publicly tracked.When a trap is Set, it then triggers the next time any Explorer except the one who set the trap enters the room via a Movement Planned Action. At the time it is triggered, it ceases to be Set and the Narrator publicly announces that it was triggered, what its effects are, and which Explorer triggered it.
The presence of a set trap is privately revealed to Explorers that successfully Peek at the room containing it and until it is next Set, that Explorer does not trigger the trap whenever they enter the room. Such Explorers are advised to privately remind the Narrator of their awareness of the trap each time they attempt to enter the room while the trap is set, and the Narrator is advised to privately track a whitelist of Explorers who do not trigger the trap.
Here’s a second attempt at snare traps, with a bunch of other trap effects and malfeasances (including a few from my previous scooby doo proposal). This should hopefully be a lot simpler rules-wise.