Proposal: Triptych
Timed out and passed, 14-2 with 2 unresolved DEFs. Josh
Adminned at 04 Dec 2010 02:26:49 UTC
Add the following to the end of the rule entitled Ages:
Rules can be tagged so that they only apply during certain Ages. A rule which has in its title only applies if the Imperatrix has not advanced the Age during this Dynasty. A rule which has [II] in its title only applies if the Imperatrix has advanced the Age once but no more than once in this Dynasty. A rule which has [III] in its title applies only if the Imperatrix has advanced the age twice in this dynasty. Rules which do not apply in the current Age have no effect on the gamestate or the rest of the ruleset. A rule may have multiple tags; in which case the rule applies to all of the Ages for which it is appropriately tagged. Rules without a tag apply at all times as normal. Any subrules of a tagged rule are considered to have the same tag.
Add a new subrule to the rule entitled Ages, entitled Constancy:
There is a column in the GNDT called Lingering Effects. This column is not reset when the Age is advanced.
Change the name of the rule currently entitled Influence to Influence . If there is a rule entitled Temples, rename it to Temples [II]. Add a column to the GNDT, entitled Lingering Effects.
If Proposal: Shall We Their Fond Pageant See failed, the rest of this proposal does nothing. Otherwise, add the following as a new rule immediately after the rule entitled Influence , entitled The End of the Age of Mortals [II]:
Immediately after the Age is advanced for the first time, Divinities may claim one or more of the following Aspects provided that they meed the eligibility criteria detailed after the Aspect’s name. Aspects are tracked in the Lingering Effects column of the GNDT. Any Aspect whose eligibility calls for a Divinity to have performed an action or possess a certain status more than any other Divinity is available to all parties in the event of a tie.
* Trickster - initiated and legally commented on Meddling posts than any other Divinity
* Demiurge - ended the Age of Unreason with a ++ in the Material plane
* Smith - ended the Age of Unreason with a ++ in the Domestic plane
* Muse - ended the Age of Unreason with a ++ in the Ephemeral plane
* Judge - ended the Age of Unreason with an N in all planes
* War - Tormented Playthings more than any other Divinity
* Love - Uplifted Playthings more than any other Divinity
* Victory - ended the Age of Unreason as the Patron of more Mortals than any other Divinity
* Betrayer - ended the Age of Unreason as a Nemesis of more Mortals than any other Divinity
* Sloth - neither increased nor spent Prominence, nor initiated or legally commented upon a Meddling post, during the Ageof Unreason
I prefer the idea of three frantic mini-dynasties to one long arbitrarily broken dynasty.