Thursday, March 02, 2006


Is this the record for number of pending DoVs at one time?  If so, what was the previous record?

Is this the record for number of DoVs in a single Dynasty?  If so, what was the previous record?

I don’t know the answers but I’m hoping you will.



02-03-2006 22:22:07 UTC

I don’t remember ever seeing multiple dovs. (I’ve been playing since the Petri Dish dynasty.)

Kevan: he/him

02-03-2006 22:28:09 UTC

I’m sure we’ve had few that have failed before, making more than one per dynasty, but don’t recall when.

We’ve never had any simultaneously pending ones before, though - it’s been assumed that only one can be made at a time, in the past.


02-03-2006 22:37:02 UTC

I recall one made during Hiatus before.  I can’t recall when, but I think it was Excalibur.


03-03-2006 01:13:00 UTC

We had almost multiple DoV during aaron dynsaty.

Josh: he/they

03-03-2006 11:34:10 UTC

We had multiple DOVs when I won my second dynasty. (Smith tried to steal, if I recall correctly.)