Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Call for Judgment: Trivialities

Failed with a quorum of AGAINST votes. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 14 Oct 2009 07:32:24 UTC

Rule 2.1.4 states that “A proposal is Trivial if it contains a statement to that effect, its title contains the text “[Trivial]” or at least half of the EVCs on that proposal contain the text “Trivial”.”

When arthexis adminned proposal “So… much… work…”, he fined its author as per Rule 2.1.  He explicitly ignored the “Trivial” in a number of EVCs, because they were not surrounded by brackets.  As a result, he mistakenly scored the proposal as non-Trivial even though it was clearly Trivial.

Therefore, increase Yuri_dragon_17’s Score by 2 to reverse the illegal fine.



13-10-2009 20:22:31 UTC


This CfJ is explicitly required by Rule 1.7, as arthexis has disputed my attempt to undo the fine.

arthexis: he/him

13-10-2009 20:22:42 UTC

I reversed it myself, rendering this CfJ useless.


13-10-2009 20:28:10 UTC

@arthexis: why did you not then admin the CFJ at the same time?

arthexis: he/him

13-10-2009 20:40:28 UTC

I could? I didn’t know it.

Kevan: he/him

13-10-2009 22:01:36 UTC

Not sure what ais523 is saying. If two players disagree to the point where a CfJ is raised, we have to process the CfJ.



13-10-2009 22:09:56 UTC

The point is that the CFJ no longer has a gamestate effect, as the change the CFJ wants to make was already made by agreement of the people in dispute.

redtara: they/them

13-10-2009 23:41:22 UTC


Darknight: he/him

13-10-2009 23:43:01 UTC


arthexis: he/him

13-10-2009 23:54:49 UTC

against Because passing this CfJ would set yuri to 6 instead of 4 (the correct value)

Darknight: he/him

13-10-2009 23:55:53 UTC

against cov

redtara: they/them

14-10-2009 00:02:08 UTC

against cov


14-10-2009 00:55:52 UTC

against trivial


14-10-2009 00:59:35 UTC

? against


14-10-2009 04:01:42 UTC



14-10-2009 05:46:34 UTC

against It would still have a Gamestate effect, just no longer one that is necessary.

Kevan: he/him

14-10-2009 07:39:23 UTC

against CoV to speed this up.

Josh: he/they

14-10-2009 08:55:16 UTC



14-10-2009 14:04:33 UTC
