Call for Judgment: Try 3
Timed out. Fails 1-3—Clucky
Adminned at 24 Jan 2012 00:43:40 UTC
Amend the third bullet in the rule “Numbers and Variables” to read:
Unless otherwise specified, to “spend” or “lose” an amount X of a numeric value “V†means to subtract X from V (i.e. replace V with V-X); to “gain” X of a numeric value “V†means to add X to V; and to “transfer” X of a numeric value “V†from A to B means to subtract X from A’s V and add the amount A’s V was reduced by to B’s V. Only positive amounts can be spent, lost, gained, or transferred. Unless otherwise specified, a rule that allows Criminals to transfer a numeric value only allows them to transfer that value from themselves to another Criminal (of their choice unless otherwise stated).
Correct the GNDT, and change the gamestate if necessary, to correspond to this interpretation. In particular, Clucky’s recent attempts to lose -1 Wealth are considered to have failed, so at the time this CfJ was raised, they had 7000 Firepower and 0 Wealth (because they attempted to convert all their Wealth to Firepower).
Clucky: he/him