Proposal: Trying again: Removing Extraneous Veto/Deferential
Fails 2-9 with quorum AGAINST
Adminned at 03 Jul 2011 23:51:26 UTC
In “Dynasties”, replace
The Announcer may Vote to VETO any Proposal.
The Announcer may Vote to VETO any Proposal if and only if that it is not a Core Proposal.
In “Voting”, replace
If there is no Announcer, or the Vote is made by the proposal’s author on their own proposal and the Announcer does not Vote on it, a Vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit Vote of abstention, and has no effect except possibly to void earlier voting icons by that voter on that proposal.
If there is no Announcer, the Vote is made by the proposal’s author on their own proposal and the Announcer does not Vote on it, or the Proposal is a Core Proposal, then a Vote of DEFERENTIAL counts as an explicit Vote of abstention, and has no effect except possibly to void earlier voting icons by that voter on that proposal.
Initially I went nuts replacing “Proposal” with “Proposal but not a core proposal”. Then I realized that explicitly disallowing the Announcer from VETOing Core Proposals is sufficient.
... jk.
As was said last time, the right to veto a proposal is an important one.