Proposal: Tuning Community Service
Proposal is Older than 12 hours and has reached Quorum
Proposer: 30 DNA
All Active (and Gene Pool)6 DNA
Enactor: 7 DNA
Adminned at 23 Apr 2007 13:44:25 UTC
Change the second sentence of Rule Evolution to read “Each Each lifeform is given one entry on “The Creature Page†which contains the lifeform’s creature name, name score, evolutionary variables currently being tracked, and list of the Traits e possesses.”
Change the second paragraph of Rule Prayer to read as follows:
There exists a gameplay action called “community serviceâ€. To perform community service, a lifeform roles a DICEN where N is the sum total of the brain size of each lifeform with Status of Alive that shares the same name score as the lifeform performing the community service. (The lifeform performing the community service is included, if Alive). A list is made of each of these lifeforms, as they appear in the creature page. Each lifeform is listed as many times as eir brain size. (and thus there are N lifeforms in the list). On a roll of Y, the Yth lifeform on this list receives N DNA points.
Add the following traits to the List of Inactive Traits. If a Trait would be added that shares a name with a Trait already on the Active or Inactive List of Traits, replace the old version’s entry with the version found in this proposal.
Cost: 100 DNA, 10 Complexity
Requirements: Brains 5, Unique Ability 6
Effect: The Lifeform may often transfer a quantity of any one of eir numerical variables tracked in the GNDT by spending up to 20 of that variable and adding an equal number to that variable of another Lifeform. That Lifeform may choose to reciprocate within 48 hours by performing the same procedure, but with the original Lifeform as the target. This reciprocation may not choose the same variable as the originating transfer.Family Structure
Cost: 80 DNA, 5 Complexity
Requirements: Unique Ability 4
Effect: Whenever the Lifeform makes a Reproduction or Community Service attempt, the DNA gained from the attempt is increased by 3.Herd Tactics
Cost: 70 DNA, 3 Complexity
Requirements: Brains 2, Body Mass 2, Unique Ability 2
Effect: If the Lifeform is a target of a Hunt and the Hunt is Reversed, the Hunting Lifeform loses twice the DNA e would normally lose from a reversed Hunt.Hibernation
Cost: 40 DNA, 2 Complexity
Requirements: Unique Ability 2
Effect: If the Lifeform has not performed any Gameplay Actions listed in the Rule Energy today, e may gain 1 Nutrition. After using this Trait, the Lifeform may not perform any Gameplay Action listed in the Rule Energy for the remainder of the day.Sentience
Cost: Infinite DNA, Infinite Complexity; Sentience cannot be Upgraded, Advanced or moved to the Active List except by game actions/effects that specifically refer to it.
Requirements: Must have at least 5 of the following Traits: Culture, Language, Memory, Nervous System, Reasoning, Tool Use
Effect: If the Lifeform has owned Sentience for at least the past 96 hours, e has achieved victory.Tribal Structure
Cost: 60 DNA, 6 Complexity
Requirements: Brains 4, Unique Ability 5, Must have at least 2 of the following Traits: Family, Herd Tactics, Pack Hunting
Effect: When the Lifeform performs Community Service, e may have the Lifeform gaining DNA from eir Community Service attempt instead gain either half (rounded down) or double the DNA that Lifeform would normally gain.
Add the following sentence to Rule Death. ‘A Lifeform with the Status “Dead” may not achieve victory.’