Monday, January 09, 2023

Story Post: Turn 15 - The Summoning

SingularByte pulled Trapdoorspyder by the collar and Kidnapped him to the Observatory.

Janet collected more dust in the Foyer.

Chiiika made friends with the spiders in the Sitting Room.

Bucky began to Chant in the Hallway, performing a Disruption Attempt.

Darknight rested comfortably in the Guest Bedroom.

Josh and Habanero reached for the Fragment in the Ballroom Overlook at the same time, as both were Fast, while Raven1207 sat back and watched them struggle over it. Josh managed to get a better grip on it and held the Fragment in his hands, examining the runes covering it.

Benbot crawled inside a mostly-intact wine barrel and slept in the Wine Cellar.

Trapdoorspyder started a Chant in the Observatory, invoking the completed runes on his three Fragments for a Summoning Attempt.

quirck fled North, through the Hallway and the Foyer into the Sitting Room.

Kevan walked East into the Gallery.

Trapdoorspyder performed a Summoning Attempt in the Observatory, and there was no Explorer performing a Disruption Attempt in the same Room or the connecting Rooms of the Attic or Servant Corridor, so Trapdoorspyder achieves victory.


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