Story Post: Turn 5 - It’s More Fun in the Dark
Darknight walked South into the Hallway, which was now Dark because Bucky turned off his flashlight.
Raven1207 was curious about the new door to the East and walked that way into the Corvid Aviary, where the Moonlight shone dimly through the thick chain-link ceiling that allowed a view of the midnight sky. High metal walls surrounded the room, while gnarled trees twisted their leafless branches in a clutter of bare forest. A caw of some type of bird could be heard somewhere in the room among the branches.
Bucky walked West into the Dining Room after turning off his flashlight, Josh following behind him. Kevan, who also turned his flashlight off, walked Up to the Gallery, curious about the upstairs of the house. SingularByte fled North, through the Foyer and into the Sitting Room where he came to a halt.
While no one was looking, Benbot walked downstairs to the Cellar, where he fumbled around in the dark for a while before discovering an Electrical Panel. The panel was filled with circuit breakers, but unfortunately it was too dark for him to make out which circuit breaker went to each room.
quirck walked North into the Guest Bedroom, not finding anything of interest in the dark other than bumping into some sort of bed.
Habanero took this moment to rest his eyes in the Supply Closet. Brendan, who was with him in the Supply Closet, took advantage of this and turned off Habanero’s flashlight to make the room dark, then fled West through the Tea Room and into the Foyer.
Benbot: he/him