Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Story Post: Turn 6 - Where there is Smoke

Brendan walked South to the Hallway where it seemed like a lot of other people had been heading.

SingularByte walked East to the Corvid Aviary to join Raven1207, who was resting there while staring at the moon.

Darknight walked Down to join Benbot in the Cellar.

Josh walked South to the Billiard Room, where he bumped into what was likely a billiard table. Meanwhile, Bucky walked West, felt around the wall, and found a way to slide it aside, revealing a Smoking Room lit with a recessed lightbulb tucked behind tall wooden shelves. As Bucky walked in, he smelled the odor of old cigar paper and tobacco ash that lingered in the room.

Kevan peeked South into the Main Bedroom with his Lit Flashlight and nodded to himself as he thought about what he saw.

Habanero fled West through the Tea Room and into the Foyer, lighting up the room with his Lit Flashlight. Trapdoorspyder remained in the Supply Closet twiddling his thumbs.

quirck continued to stay in the Guest Bedroom not doing much.


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