Story Post: Turn 8 - A Fragment of a Chance
Two new Explorers appeared in the Foyer, dazed from being transported there from some unknown location. Chiiika immediately walked North into the Sitting Room, while Jason sat down in the Foyer to recover for a little while. Raven1207 walked West into the Foyer to join the newcomers.
Habanero decided to stay put in the Hallway to gather their thoughts.
Bucky walked North into the Ballroom.
Brendan and quirck both walked West into the Library.
Benbot rested in the Cellar.
Trapdoorspyder walked East in the Supply Closet, looking for a secret passage but finding nothing but cobwebs.
SingularByte grabbed the Hipflask that was in the Corvid Aviary.
Josh grabbed the Rabbit’s Foot from the floor of the Gymnasium.
Kevan walked East to the end of the Museum and checked behind every statue there, but none were guarding any hidden doorways.
Darknight walked East in the Wine Cellar but couldn’t find anything beyond the dusty wine cabinets.