Story Post: Turn 9 - Power in their hands
Janet continued to rest in the Foyer. A Flashlight appeared next to her.
Chiiika remained in the Sitting Room waiting to see what else would happen.
Habanero stayed in the Hallway, watching people come and go with his Lit Flashlight.
Benbot kept snoring loudly in the Cellar.
Trapdoorspyder grabbed the Fragment that appeared on the floor of the Supply Closet. Runes were etched on its surface, but parts of the runes were clearly missing along the edges of the Fragment. Perhaps if multiple Fragments were collected and put together, the runes would become whole and would allow something amazing to happen.
quirck reached down to the floor of the Library and grabbed the Monkey’s Paw. It felt oddly warm, despite not being attached to anything living.
Brendan feel asleep in the Library while trying to read one of the dusty tomes.
Raven1207 walked South to the Hallway.
Bucky walked Up to the Ballroom Overlook with his Lit Flashlight. Two moldy chairs faced a rotted wooden railing along the edge of the room which peered into the gloom of the floor below. A Fragment lay on the floor.
SingularByte walked South to the Tea Room.
Josh walked Down to the Billiard Room.
Kevan walked West to the Gallery, his Lit Flashlight shining on the groteseque pictures hanging on the walls.
Darknight walked South to the Cellar.
I realized that in previous story posts, I was not listing the Actions and Effects in the order in which they occurred, which may have caused some confusion, even though I did follow the steps in order when processing Planned Actions. From this post on, the order in which the Actions and Effects are described is the order in which they occurred according to the Mansion Phase rules.