Turn summary
Hopefully I did this all right
Contain: Rolled a 59, don’t go boom
Shift: pressure increased to 2
Consume: Its not bigger
Flood: Its not round 6
Roll: 2 Land, 1 Folliage, choose a face of the die and apply its effect. Choose graze, Running Habitability is six So that is 60 mana
Adjust: remove no effect from brown (30 mana), combine two 1 lands (50 mana), increase the remaining 1 lands to 2 land (10 mana) making my brown dice have 3 “2 land” faces and nothing else
Vitalise: gain 9 mana
Do not Germinate
Roll again as its pleasant: 2 Land, 1 Foliage, Beach (20 mana)