- Settle Existing Business
- Denegrate the Eldest Claim by 5. Status: Wildly Popular (proposed by Desertfrog)
- Denegrate the Eldest Claim by 5. Status: Neutral (proposed by Forest)
- Propose New Business
Clucky, The Astute Edric of Hartford Upon Tyr, doth vote in favor ( ) of both pieces of new Business
They also put forth this piece of new business:
Endorse the Patriarchy claim by 10
Denegrate the Eldest Claim by 5
Denegrate the Eldest Claim by 5
New Business:
* Add lendunistus to the Disown list for Prestigious Estate
I support both pieces of existing Business and propose denegrating the Patriarchy Claim by 5.
Isabella of the Fens supports both pieces of existing Business.
Commenting, been too busy to keep up with the ruleset much these last few weeks, but I’m assuming the Old King being idle would mess something up. So hi, yes, this is comment, am not idle.
Once again I copy DesertFrog.
I support both pieces of existing Business and propose denegrating the Patriarchy Claim by 5.
Resolving this Meeting:
Denegrate the Eldest Claim by 5:
* 4 Heirs Supported + 5 for Wildly Popular = 9
* 1 Heir Opposed
* Result: Eldest Claim denegrated by 5
Denegrate the Eldest Claim by 5:
* 4 Heirs Supported
* 1 Heir Opposed
* Result: Eldest Claim denegrated by 5
JonathanDark: he/him
Randomly generating the New Business:
* Add Kevan to the Disown list for Patriarchy
* Endorse the Partnership Claim by 1