Monday, May 11, 2009

Call for Judgment: Uh Oh. This needs to be fixed fast!

Succeeded (7-3) - Devenger

Adminned at 12 May 2009 11:21:13 UTC

Change rule 2.11 (Taking the Initiative) to read:

As a daily Action, a Scripter whose Popularity is higher than that of each other Scripter may steal the Producer’s chair by posting a blog entry to that effect, and reducing their own Popularity by 1.

Upon doing so, that Scripter may consider themselves to be the Producer for the purpose of any Dynastic Rule (except for “Bonus Features”, “Subliminal advertising”, and “The Awkward Aftermath”), for the next hour.

It may not be immediately necessery, but the prospect of a scriptor who has somehow gained popularity stealing the chair, making some bribes, and then closing the bribery stage scares me to no end. Thus, this is a CFJ to ensure that it is passed before there is an oppurtunity for someone to do this.



11-05-2009 23:43:06 UTC



11-05-2009 23:51:40 UTC



12-05-2009 00:12:40 UTC

against .  This will not be an issue since Kevan and Josh are tied for highest popularity.  If one of them goes idle before ‘No work and less pay’ passes, I will change my vote.


12-05-2009 01:05:06 UTC



12-05-2009 01:08:02 UTC

But dev may add bonus features or somthing. I am simply worried.

Darknight: he/him

12-05-2009 02:47:41 UTC



12-05-2009 02:53:20 UTC

Darknight:  This is a CfJ.  You can’t vote DEF.

Darknight: he/him

12-05-2009 02:55:25 UTC

My bad. against


12-05-2009 03:44:22 UTC

for It can’t hurt.


12-05-2009 08:38:08 UTC

for I actually didn’t make a safeguard against this under the premise of rewarding high Popularity, but I may have underestimated how significant a reward it would be after I changed how the bribery phase would operate. Before, end-game sniping would have been much less effective than now.

Kevan: he/him

12-05-2009 10:25:58 UTC


ais523: Custodian

12-05-2009 16:12:15 UTC

for Could be far too powerful in the hands of a high-popularity person.


12-05-2009 16:33:42 UTC

7 for. Enact it! : )

arthexis: he/him

12-05-2009 17:41:50 UTC
