Saturday, June 09, 2012

Unblocking a Chakra: Dynasty 45

Dynasty 45 states that if, at any time, a Lifeform is the only Alive Lifeform, then that Lifeform achieves victory. I am the only such lifeform; therefore I can unblock its chakra.


Clucky: he/him

09-06-2012 05:10:58 UTC

What ruleset are you playing with? You just randomly changed your dynasty to 45 without any dice rolls or Chronotohms expenditure

Josh: he/they

09-06-2012 07:04:06 UTC

I have reverted this due to dynasty changing procedures not being followed, but for the record, this Chakra unlock would still have been illegal; generic terms for Time Monks refer to all Time Monks, even those not in the occupying Dynasty, so all Time Monks are also Lifeforms and thus alive by default.

Kevan: he/him

09-06-2012 10:47:35 UTC

Are we? All Time Monks are Lifeforms, but Scshunt is the only Lifeform to whom the rule “Each Lifeform has a field “Status” in the GDNT that is either Alive or Dead.” applies. Nobody else (unless we happen to be in a Dynasty that defaults us to “Alive”) is Alive.

Josh: he/they

09-06-2012 20:01:10 UTC

I think that is an ambiguity that will be tested by CfJ sooner or later.


10-06-2012 00:20:25 UTC

In one GNDT action, I set my chronotoms to the default of 1 and grabbed a Basic Watch. I then used it and moved to Dynasty 45 in the subsequent action. This set my chronotoms to 3 and immediately back to 1, hence no (visible) change.

Then my chronotoms were increased by one due to the victory, and again for the bounty.

I’ve unreverted these for now on the basis that my move was, in my mind, definitely unambiguous (and I’m certainly in Dynasty 45); if anyone disagrees with the win or with me being in Dynasty 45, I’ll invite them to CfJ it.

And Kevan’s arguments are exactly the ones I would use. Nobody else has a Status field, since it’s defined by a rule that only I am subject to.

I’ll submit a proposal to fix this up once I get a slot back.

Clucky: he/him

10-06-2012 01:43:28 UTC

Under what rule did you legally move to Dynasty 45? No else else is occupying it, so it can’t have been the ‘move where someone else is”. “Move wherever you want” costs five.


10-06-2012 01:53:13 UTC

My bad. I misread the third bullet.