Story Post: Unblocking a Chakra: Dynasty 85
Now that the toybox/dynasty100 page exists, consenus on the CfJ is that my scam was valid. So I’m going to go ahead and unblock the Chakra and if Josh or someone else really feels strongly that is not valid they can do another CfJ to rever this.
Kevan: he/him
Looking at it, I’m not that convinced that “Previous accomplishments in said Dynasty have no applicability to the Time Monk.” doesn’t still catch you. Yes, you’re just reading off the gamestate which says “if there’s a player called Clucky he has a Dung Pile”, but the Dung Pile is also a previous accomplishment of yours. “No applicability” is a strange phrase, but it does seem as if this adds up to “a Dung Pile exists in Clucky’s name but it is not applicable to him”.