Proposal: Underlay, Underlay, A Rebar, A Rebar
Passes 7-2. - Misty
Adminned at 03 Apr 2023 13:27:57 UTC
If Proposal: This Way Up was not enatced then this proposal has no effect.
Add a new subrule to the rule The Building, called Integrity, with the following text:
Each Block of the Building has an Integrity score, which is not publicly tracked but which is an emergent property of its relative position and composition in the Building, and which must be specifically recalculated whenever it is called upon in the completion of an action.
A Block’s Integrity is calculated as follows: (Support) - (Height), plus or minus (Pressure) - determined at random at the moment of recalculation.
A Block’s Height is equal to the number of Blocks that are between it and the base, inclusive of both itself and the base, divided by 10 and rounded down.
A Block’s Support is equal to the number of Blocks between it and the base, inclusive of the base but not itself, that have the Supportive property, minus two times the number of blocks between itself and the base (inclusive of both) that are Empty.
A Block’s Pressure is one-fifth, rounded down, of the number of non-empty Blocks between it and top, inclusive of the top but not itself, plus one for each of those Blocks that are Heavy.
Add the following to the rule Building Contents, befor the table:
Each Material may have Properties, as determined by the table below.
In the same rule, add a new column to the table for Properties, and give Stone the value “Heavy, Supportive” in that column. Add the following new Material to the table:
| Rebar || R || Modern girders to support vertical construction. || Supportive
Lulu: she/her