Thursday, November 18, 2021

Proposal: Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World

Withdrawn. Failed by TyGuy6.

Adminned at 20 Nov 2021 04:18:14 UTC

Rewrite the rule Showdown to read as follows:

A Team is Triumphant if any of the following things are true:
* Every member of the other team is Down
* Any Team named in a Championship Belt post is Triumphant.

If it is past 23:59 UTC 28 November 2021 and no Team is or has been Triumphant, then any Realtor may, as a one-time communal action, perform the following Atomic Action, named “Finale”:

*Identify the team, if there is one, which has the least members who are Down, and then skip all other steps in this Action except the last;
*Identify the team, if there is one, which has the greatest combined total Contribution from all of its members, and then skip all other steps in this Action except the last;
*Randomly select a team;
*Make a Story Post to the blog, titled Championship Belt, naming the team so identified.

If a Team is Triumphant then its Leader has achieved Victory.


Clucky: he/him

18-11-2021 18:16:32 UTC

Its interesting how this plays with Tapped Out.

On the one hand, if you have a few inactive people on your team you have less people to be Down. On the other, you’ll get less total contribution points. So maybe it balances out?

Silverwing: she/her

18-11-2021 20:30:02 UTC

against This competes with my victory proposal.

Josh: he/they

18-11-2021 20:57:10 UTC

@Silverwing It incorporates it


18-11-2021 21:39:46 UTC

against I’m up for a simpler endgame, personally.


19-11-2021 04:17:06 UTC

“A Team is Triumphant if any of the following things are true… Any Team named in a Championship Belt post is Triumphant” does not mean what it looks like it means.


19-11-2021 04:29:17 UTC

Yeah, I’m thinking that it’s kind of vague what makes a post a C.B. post. But at least it seems like there’s no wincon loophole; if it’s defined as a post that’s titled “C.B.”, then such posts would be Official, and thus, only postable via this rule. (And if it isn’t defined, the rule is benignly nonfunctional.)


19-11-2021 04:31:35 UTC

Oh, but I guess one trick is that you could always put extra teams in there, along with the team that’s identified. :/


19-11-2021 04:35:10 UTC

Oh! Aaaand, also, I guess Bucky’s point was that if this passes, the second bullet might just be instantly true…?

Kind of like when you put “if (x = 1)” instead of “if (x == 1)” in C code.


19-11-2021 04:36:38 UTC

;tl dr Rule’s broke, don’t pass or dynasty ‘plodes.

lemon: she/her

19-11-2021 06:51:39 UTC

against i’d rather just compare contribution pools, personally. the simplicity fits such a short dynasty, n with something like this the stat of Contribution becomes unmoored from how much the realtor directly contributed to a team’s success!

Kevan: he/him

19-11-2021 10:55:38 UTC


Josh: he/they

19-11-2021 11:26:59 UTC

against Withdrawn