Proposal: Undo button
Times out at 4-5. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 10 Jun 2006 09:25:48 UTC
Apparently, we need something like this in the Ruleset, because twice this Dynasty, I’ve found myself in the position of finding out I’ve done something illegal, and not being allowed to fix it for the same reason it was illegal in the first place.
Add the following paragraph to Law 1.7, “Gamestate Tracking”.
If a Monk finds out that e has recently made an illegal game action, e must immediately undo all feasible changes to the Gamestate that resulted from the illegal action. If a Monk refuses to do so, anyone may file a CfJ for the same effect. Meanwhile, other Monks should avoid exploiting the consequences of illegal actions to make it easier to revert.
‘Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”
‘“I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”’
Genesis 4:9