Call for Judgment: Unfair actors list
Timed out, failed 7-2—Rodlen was here
Adminned at 04 Apr 2009 09:42:45 UTC
Cut every scene in Act 4, and make it Finished.
Devenger’s messing with the list of actors has made Act 4 /incredibly/ unfair to all concerned, especially people who only just got back online after doing RL work for ages. There’s also no challenge in randomly rolling a DICE1 and getting Brad Pitt, and a huge body-count bonus. If you just want more bodies, do it by changing the rules, or at least by making it fair to everyone, not by messing with the lists inside an Act.
Kevan: he/him
Yes, I thought this was a bit of a strange call from Devenger, and rushed to get my scene in before the list was changed again (it was actually DICE3, with two 10-point actors and one 1-point).
Retroactively wasting the time and writing of anyone who contributed anything seems a bit harsh, though. Can’t we just force a few rerolls to recast and rescore the scene?