Thursday, May 04, 2023

Proposal: Unflip the Table

Fails due to Failed Ultimatum - Misty

Adminned at 04 May 2023 21:48:58 UTC

Repeal the rule “The Chopping Block”.

Add the following text to the end of the first paragraph of the rule The Building:

The Building, the Building Number and Building Stability are all publicly tracked.

Make all Open Demolitions Ended without performing their Ending Action. Repeal the dynastic rule “Demolition”.

Set the Building Number, the Building Stability, the quantity of Stone in the Quarry, and every Engineer’s personal dynastic gamestate variables to their respective default values. Set the Threat to an empty list.


Set the the Building to be seven Levels, each of which contains three Wooden Blocks.


JonathanDark: he/him

04-05-2023 00:19:14 UTC

There’s several issues that would need correcting first:

* Set the Building, Building Number, and Building Stability to be publicly tracked (see Welcome to the Orphanage)

* Either remove Demolitions entirely, adjust it so that Builds are not prevented, or allow other Engineers to close the Demolition event, in order to prevent any single Engineer from halting the entire dynasty by refusing to end the Demolition.

JonathanDark: he/him

04-05-2023 00:32:54 UTC

Perfect, thanks!

Josh: Mastermind he/they

04-05-2023 06:53:52 UTC

God, no, we just played this dynasty, why would we want to play it again against

redtara: they/them

04-05-2023 09:20:29 UTC

“no Proposal may be posted that proposes to make any changes to the dynastic ruleset except for those that make changes to the rules contained within the section named The Chopping Block”

Is any otherwise allowable proposal that happens to make changes to that section thereby allowed, even if it also makes changes to other sections?

redtara: they/them

04-05-2023 09:21:11 UTC

@josh it’s like, a metaphor,

Kevan: he/him

04-05-2023 10:07:53 UTC

[Redtara] Yes, that sounds right.

against I would rather play a new dynasty under a different Emperor.

Lulu: she/her

04-05-2023 11:00:50 UTC


Brendan: he/him

04-05-2023 12:39:00 UTC


jjm3x3: he/him

04-05-2023 14:55:42 UTC



04-05-2023 15:48:17 UTC

against Yeah, this is illegal. Chopping Block seems to be accidentally constructed to take multiple proposals to unwind into a playable state.


04-05-2023 15:51:10 UTC

Actually, check that, this proposal does “make changes to the rules contained within the section named The Chopping Block” by repealing them. So it’s not illegal on Redtara’s grounds. Oops.

JonathanDark: he/him

04-05-2023 18:30:07 UTC

against Even though I advocated for some changes in the Proposal, I’ve since realized that I really don’t want to start this dynasty over either.