Proposal: Unified Currency
timed out, final vote 1-7—Yoda
Adminned at 28 Oct 2008 12:14:28 UTC
Add a subrule to the rule entitled “Honor”. Call it “Duel Credits” and give it the following text:
Each Clansman has a certain number of Duel Credits, tracked in the GNDT under the column “DC”. Duel Credits can be used either for money or glory. New Clansmen start with 0 Duel Credits.
At any time, a Clansman with at least 2 Duel Credits may spend 2 Duel Credits to increase his Honor by 1. A Clansman with at least 3 Duel Credits may spend 3 Duel Credits to increase one of his Physical Stats by 1.
If the Proposal titled “Making it kinda to first blood” passed, in the Rule entitled “Duels” replace the text:
First-Blood: Whenever a Combatant takes damage, the Combat ends and no further rounds are processed, and the other Combatant is declared the Winner. If no combatant has taken Damage this Duel (or both took damage at the same time) the Clan Lord comments that the Rounds where inconclusive, and the Combatants must resend a new list of four Combat moves.
Twelve Rounds: The Clan Lord requests additional move lists after rounds 4 and 8, then the Combatant who has dealt the most damage during all the rounds of this Combate is declared the Winner.
Glorious Death: The Clan Lord requests additional move lists after each four rounds, and combat doesn’t stop until one of the Combatant dies, and the other Clansmen is declared the Winner. The Winner of this combat increases by 1 the Physical Stat which was higher on the dead Clansmen (choose one if there is a tie), in addition to any other benefits received from winning.
First-Blood: Whenever a Combatant takes damage, the Combat ends and no further rounds are processed, and the other Combatant is declared the Winner. If no combatant has taken Damage this Duel (or both took damage at the same time) the Clan Lord comments that the Rounds where inconclusive, and the Combatants must resend a new list of four Combat moves. The winner of the Duel receives 1 Duel Credit.
Twelve Rounds: The Clan Lord requests additional move lists after rounds 4 and 8, then the Combatant who has dealt the most damage during all the rounds of this Combat is declared the Winner. If both have dealt an equal amount of damage, the Duel is considered a draw and has no Winner. The Winner of the Duel receives 3 Duel Credits and the other Combatant receives 1 Duel Credit. In case of a draw, each Combatant receives 2 Duel Credits.
Glorious Death: The Clan Lord requests additional move lists after each four rounds, and combat doesn’t stop until one of the Combatant dies, and the other Clansmen is declared the Winner. The Winner of this Duel receives 10 Duel Credits. In the unlikely event that both Combatants die in the same Combat Round, the Duel is considered a draw and has no Winner.
Also, remove the following text from the same Rule:
When a Clansmen wins the Combat, both Combatants choose one of their Physical Stats and increase it by 1, unless they are Dead.
Otherwise, in the same Rule, replace the text:
The winner gains 1 Honor.
The winner gains 1 Honor and 1 Duel Credit.