Thursday, December 17, 2009

Universe Protosal

We need to state the the only legally binding rules of the game are in the ruleset, I.E. saying that “Anyone can Dance” in the universe page is not legally a rule (You cannot make a game action “Dance”). The Universe page is used only for definitions, not rules effecting gamestate.



17-12-2009 18:26:16 UTC

I think that’s the default. No one ever stated that the Universe could override the Ruleset.


17-12-2009 18:46:29 UTC

Agreed with aleth.  Universe is _gamestate_, not _ruleset_.


17-12-2009 19:20:41 UTC

Yeah.  veto


17-12-2009 19:21:20 UTC

“CoV” against  (testing out ais’s vote counter)


17-12-2009 19:46:47 UTC

does ais’s vote counter check whether a given post is categorized as a proposal?

ais523: Mastermind

17-12-2009 19:59:35 UTC

@spikebrennan: It’s happy to count FOR and AGAINST on any post (which might be useful on a protosal, for instance), and follows the same rules as proposals when it does so.

ais523: Mastermind

17-12-2009 20:12:34 UTC

(And DEFERENTIAL too, ofc, using the usual rules for it.)


17-12-2009 23:44:08 UTC

Would it count a DEF on a DoV or CfJ correctly or the same as on a proposal?

Darknight: he/him

18-12-2009 09:48:54 UTC

@ais: great way to see how popular an idea is with burning a slot lol


18-12-2009 16:32:03 UTC


ais523: Mastermind

23-12-2009 11:16:28 UTC

It counts everything as proposals, atm. I’m planning to add DoV and CfJ support later, just haven’t got round to it yet.