Unmutexing the ball?
One gripe I have with the current rules is that there’s nothing much to do if you don’t have the ball (hereafter, if you are a non-carrier). The ball acts like a mutex for play. One idea for changing this:
Allow players to set instructions, in some restricted language, in the GNDT (“Play”, maybe?), which take effect immediately upon their acquiring the ball (subject to some safety conditions, e.g. to prevent infinite cycles). This would give non-carriers something to do (prepare their Plays), but would still keep ‘actual’ play centered on the ball, leaving the mechanics for the ball unchanged. Surely ideas roughly like this have been tried in past dynasties? My gut says it’s unlikely to work well, but I’m not sure.
I guess that would be creating play for non-carriers by introducing a level of metaplay. There are probably simpler alternatives where we just create new (non-meta) play for non-carriers.
Maybe we should just add more balls. I’m not kidding.