Proposal: Unos, dos, tres, catorce!
Vetoed by Ascension Address. Failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 03 Apr 2006 19:19:51 UTC
Screw trying to think of four proposals to be able to use this title. (This is just a tribute)
This dynasty needs some speeding up.
Create a new rule named Lottery:
If at least 12 hours have passed since the last one, any Gostak may declare a Lottery to be held, by making a post including the results of the Lottery.
When a Lottery is held, a DICE20 shall be rolled. All Gostaks on the Floor corresponding to the resulting number shall be awarded an amount of Bars equal to (21-A)*50, where A is the result of the DICE20.
Josh: he/they
A little bit too fast for my liking, especially as I’m only about two days away from being able to declare victory myself.