Call for Judgment: Unviolence
Timed out 3 votes to 2. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 12 Feb 2018 22:35:33 UTC
-Set Cuddlebeam’s stance to card to “Neutral”, their wielded item to “Crowbar” (and no longer wielding anything else) and their Alertness to 6 and HP to 6.
-Set PineTreeQ’s stance to card to “Neutral”, their wielded item to “Nailed Board” and their Alertness to 8 and HP to 8.
-Set card’s HP to 8.
If PineTreeQ hasn’t voted on this CFJ, it has no effect.
May or may not have happened, this is a quick fix to it all (me and Pine just use a Craction to wield our weapons and nothing more).
I don’t have time to PM and arrange stuff with Pine to see what they would want but this is a good bet.
I’ll let the others choose which CfJ they prefer, and if it’s this one I’ll vote for it.