Proposal: Unwelcome Guests
reached quorum 6-0, enacted by Chiiika.
Adminned at 02 Jun 2023 00:31:16 UTC
If Proposal: Level Knevel was not enacted then this proposal has no effect.
Add a new dynastic rule, titled “Tier 2: Reality Enforcers”:
Each Mindjacker has a Suspicion, which is a publicly tracked non-negative integer that defaults to 0. When a Mindjacker’s Level is decreased, their Suspicion is set to 0. When a Mindjacker’s Level is increased, their Suspicion is set to 1.
If a Mindjacker’s Suspicion equals or exceeds 10 for one uninterrupted hour, that Mindjacker immediately Descends.
If Proposal: Avs was enacted, append the following to the second paragraph of the subrule “Mindjacking”:
Then, the author’s Suspicion is set to 3.
here’s another bit of rules scaffolding to hook into other mechanics. those reality cops are always on the lookout for body-snatching simulationees!
JonathanDark: he/him
I’m just curious about singling out Mindjacking as setting the author’s Suspicion to 3 when they Ascend due to the Mindjacking. So this elevates their Suspicion more than normal if it was lower than 3, and could significantly decrease their Suspicion if it was above 3, essentially subverting the intent of Suspicion rising as the Mindjacker’s Level rises.
Is that intentional, and if so, what’s the rationale?