Upcoming Event (34 comments) Short week to start here. Just three events. Have fun Thursday UPDATE: To encou

Short week to start here. Just three events. Have fun

Thursday UPDATE: To encourage signups, the cost of participating in the Water Triathlon has been reduced by one.

Event #3: Rock Paper Scissors Tournament
Starts on Sunday/Costs 1 TP to compete/Only 8 can compete

This is a basic tournament. Olympians will be split into pairs and compete in games. The winners of each game will move on and the losers will not.

Only eight of our Olympians may join this event. Any member who does not compete in the water triathlon will have preference when competing in this event. Competing in this event takes 1 TP. To sign up, make a comment to this post of SIGN UP: RPS by 12:00 AM on Sunday. Each Olympian may only sign up once.  The event will start and take place then.(Or as soon thereafter as someone can complete the event.) If fewer than 8 Olympians sign up, the remaining spots will be filled with copies of the coach, baring the coach’s arributes. If one of these copies wins a medal, the Blognomic team receives the medal. 

The outcome of Games are determined as follows:

Each contestant makes a wits roll. If the result of the roll is more than twice the result of the other wits roll, the Olympian who rolled the higher wits roll has dominated their competition and wins the game. If not, roll a DICE2 to determine the winner of the game. A one means that the Olympian who’s name appears first in Alphabetical Order wins and a two means the other Olympian wins. The winner of the game advanced to the next game. The winner of game 17 receives a Gold Medal; the loser of game 17 a Silver Medal, and the winner of Game 18 a Bronze Medal. The results of each game are kept for history’s sake on the events page of the wiki.

The structure of games is as follows. The first Olympian to join will compete in game one, the second in game 2, etc…

Game 1:
McRock (Rand McNally): Automatically wins if e faces McScissors; Wits: 5
Someone from Blognomic

Game 2:
Bob Copper (Koldistan): The 2006 World RPS Champion. A Scott: Wits: 7
Someone from Blognomic

Game 3
McScissors (Rand McNally): Automatically wins if e faces McPaper; Wits: 5
Someone from Blognomic

Game 4:
The Bare Ninja-Cowboy (Excalabur Homeland): An RPS Pro; Wits: 6
Someone from Blognomic

Game 5:
Spockus Lizardus (Excalabur Homeland): A RPS Newbie; Wits: 3
Someone from Blognomic

Game 6:
Brick Wall (Koldistan): A wall of bricks. Wits: 1
Someone from Blognomic

Game 7:
Jan Ken (Koldistan): Some Japanese dude Wits: 4
Someone from Blognomic

Game 8:
McPaper(Rand McNally): Automatically wins if e faces McRock; Wits: 5
vs. Someone from Blognomic

Game 9: Game 1 winner vs. Game 2 winner
Game 10: Game 3 winner vs. Game 4 winner
Game 11: Game 5 winner vs Game 6 winner
Game 12: Game 7 winner vs. Game 8 winner
Game 13: Game 9 winner vs. Game 10 winner
Game 14: Game 11 winner vs. Game 12 winner
Game 15: Game 13 loser vs. Game 14 loser
Game 16: Game 13 winner vs Game 14 winner



15-12-2006 21:21:07 UTC

There’s an idea for an Event up on my User talk page.  I’ll be putting any other ideas for events that I may think of there, too, even if I haven’t worked out all the details.

The RPS Event listed there is a simple Event that I think would serve rather well as one of the first Events, either exactly as it is or slightly tweaked.

Clucky: he/him

16-12-2006 01:22:43 UTC

I think that the talk page of the events page would be a good place to run the talk about events. I have added the three I have been working on there, and moved Hix’s over(kept them where they are as well)

Clucky: he/him

19-12-2006 21:15:15 UTC

Ok. I have updated my post. Would like to start events sometime soon; so be sure to comment everyone on the Water Triathlon, RPS Tournament, and Burrito Contest.

As please let me know what type of event you like(As in, do you like one that just takes one dice roll to decide; one that takes several dice rolls; one that also takes effort on your part…)

Elias IX:

21-12-2006 00:20:56 UTC

Yay, I spot the “Bare Ninja-Cowboy”, hehehe.

Elias IX:

21-12-2006 00:21:57 UTC


Clucky: he/him

21-12-2006 02:51:27 UTC

I had fun with the rivals for that event. The Mc’s are easy. Bob Cooper is actually the 2006 world RPS champion. Spockus Lizardus is the standard extension of RPS (To Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard) and “Janken” is what they call RPS in Japan. And yeah, Bear Ninja Cowboy is isomorphic to RPS as well.


21-12-2006 05:52:37 UTC



21-12-2006 20:01:34 UTC



22-12-2006 03:34:59 UTC

SIGNUP: Water Triathlon


22-12-2006 03:40:38 UTC

And you misspelled Klodistan all over the place.

Clucky: he/him

22-12-2006 04:03:58 UTC

Very very odd. I wonder how that happened.

Anyways, you guys need to start eating burritos <_<


22-12-2006 17:01:00 UTC

I noticed the start time had passed but the Events Page had not changed, so I thought that there must be some delay in starting (and did not want any kind of false start penalty)

Clucky: he/him

22-12-2006 17:50:54 UTC

Erm Sorry for the confusion. I thought it was clear.

Anyways, due to the lack of signups I have cut the Triathlon field in half. RPS will go next if I don’t get more there.


22-12-2006 19:17:17 UTC


BTW, I just pulled an exploit of a possible hole in the burrito-eating rules.  IMO, it is legal since the first paragraph of the rules seems to be intended as flavor text rather than part of the actual contest rules.

Clucky: he/him

22-12-2006 21:07:46 UTC

I fail to see how what you did is legal. The rules are pretty clear about the 60 minutes thing. If you say “Well, I didn’t consume “another burrito”, just burrito number 6 over and over; then the total number of Burritos consumed is not enough. Sorry =(


22-12-2006 21:09:57 UTC

The 60 minute limit starts after I consume the previous burrito.

Clucky: he/him

22-12-2006 21:13:18 UTC

Why? You consume burrito 6. You can then not consume another burrito for 60 minutes. It seems pretty clear to me.


22-12-2006 21:18:46 UTC

“then” inplies that I can’t consume another burrito AFTER I eat each burrito.  However, if I consume several burrito #6s at the same time, (which I did) none of them was consumed during the restricted period of any other consumed burrito.

Clucky: he/him

22-12-2006 21:31:06 UTC

I guess I see your logic here. I still disagree with your interpretation.


22-12-2006 22:19:20 UTC

Oh, man, those Triathlon opponents are tough.  No wonder nobody’s signing up.


23-12-2006 02:51:28 UTC

Triathlon done.
I won with 27+96+52.  The bunnies took silver and bronze with 38+50+56 and 50+64+14 respectively.

Clucky: he/him

23-12-2006 02:59:20 UTC

I think the rules were pretty clear/logical on how this got awarded, Bucky. Please accept your bronze and don’t make me CFJ this.


23-12-2006 03:00:15 UTC

Okay, tht’s why I was waiting to award the medals.


23-12-2006 03:04:55 UTC

BTW, I would have scored it the same way had the tiebreaker been between the Robot and the Bunny, or if I had rolled a 7 on the tiebreaker.

Clucky: he/him

23-12-2006 03:37:51 UTC

Yeah. I understand the confusion. The rules were not very clear… again… I had just assumed everyone would take the logical path =P. I’ll make it clearer next time!

Congrats on getting the first blognomic medal =)


23-12-2006 04:12:31 UTC

Speaking of which, the last event is ambiguous as to how many times each Olympian can sign up (If you allow it, I may sign up to fill an extra empty spot before it starts.  Then again, you could just sign the four of us up twice…)


23-12-2006 04:16:54 UTC

Also, “Roll a DICE2 to determine the result” seems to leave too much to the discression of whoever executes the event.

For example, “Roll DICE2.  If the result is a 3, the Bare Ninja-Cowboy wins.  Otherwise, Bucky wins.”

Clucky: he/him

23-12-2006 17:27:08 UTC

Good point. I’ll fix it when I get back. I think im going to fill the empty spots with clones of the coach. That makes the most sense if you ask me.


23-12-2006 18:53:03 UTC

SIGN UP: RPS just in case.

Clucky: he/him

24-12-2006 00:00:07 UTC

Ok. Time to start RPS


24-12-2006 01:55:45 UTC

How did the DICE2 work?

Clucky: he/him

24-12-2006 02:09:04 UTC

1 went to the earlier in the alphabet, per the change I made.


24-12-2006 02:38:34 UTC

You neatly set it up so that the Cluckys got the easy half of the tournament.

Clucky: he/him

24-12-2006 03:18:05 UTC

I noticed that was an issue but it was too late. I just followed the outline given. You shouldn’t realized the problem earlier and complained about it then