Upcoming Events (9 comments) Five Current Events: Thursday’s Event: 100 Yard Dash. Quick and easy dext

Five Current Events:

Thursday’s Event: 100 Yard Dash. Quick and easy dexterity tolling
Friday’s Event: Tournament of Fate: Are you rounded enough?
Saturday’s Event: Wall Smash: Break the wall with your brute strength!
Sunday’s Event: Team Soccer/Football: Go team go!
Monday’s Event: Psychic Football: Can you guess the score of the Big Game?



02-01-2007 23:01:17 UTC

Signup: Soccer/Football.  Due to my high Stamina, I’d make an excellent Midfielder. (This seems to cost no TP!)


03-01-2007 00:24:18 UTC

100 Yard Dash is broken, as there is no such thing as a “Dexterity check”. And even if there was, should Red and Blue end up next to each other, they’ll both get +15, which puts them next to each other, which gives the +15, ad infitum. You’ll want to fix this before it goes live.


03-01-2007 05:28:53 UTC

Someone should probably admin “More patches” before Thursday.


04-01-2007 05:44:49 UTC

Question about Soccer/Football:
when the rules say

“total the number of shots each player has and make a comment of XDICE2 where X is the total number of sots. This will give you the number of shots on goal.”

does it mean

“total the number of shots each Team has and make a comment of XDICE2 where X is the total number of sots. This will give you the number of shots on goal?”

If not, it should; otherwise the keeper gets a defense against each player.  Since a good player has at most 10 shots on goal and a terrible keeper has a 4DICE10 defense, this is not desirable; it would be literally impossible for Blognomic to score on Klodistan.

Clucky: he/him

04-01-2007 16:51:31 UTC

I edited it to clear things up.


05-01-2007 04:25:56 UTC

I signed up for Tournament of Fate, but I left my GNDT password at work (and I will be out of the office for the next week and a half).  Per my comment on the wiki events page, can someone bump each of my four attributes by 7 points (up to 9,9,9,9) and debit 28 TP from me?  Thanks.

Clucky: he/him

05-01-2007 04:54:20 UTC

You signed up too late. Times are GST so you signed up after 12:00 AM friday I’ll email you the GNDT password in the morning. G2g now.


05-01-2007 05:18:49 UTC

Spikebrennan: You do not have enough TP to raise all attributes above 5 (or any attribute above 8).


05-01-2007 16:23:49 UTC

Oh—now I see that I misread the TP to attribute conversion rule.  I guess I can spend 24 TP to go from 2,2,2,2 to 5,5,5,5 since the cost to increase each attribute from 2 to 5 is 1+2+3, or a total of 6 TP per attribute * 4 attributes for a total of 24.  I will do that.