Wednesday, June 21, 2006


UPDATE: This will be late afternoon Central time, not early afternoon.

At some point on Wednesday 21 June, Central Time—- possibly during the early afternoon —- BlogNomic will go down for a little while.  Here’s what will happen during this time.

  1. A full backup will be made.
  2. The core EE files will be moved to the BlogNomic web space from the space.
  3. All non-BlogNomic weblogs will be deleted from the database.
  4. BlogNomic admins will be made actual EE administrators and will gain many nice abilities.

If there is a reason that this 1) should not happen, 2) should not happen tomorrow, or 3) should happen differently than I’ve stated, now would probably be the best time to say so.



21-06-2006 04:13:13 UTC

Why?  Is this because you want to separate the Blognomic blog from whatever weblog#1 is?  Or is it just to upgrade Blognomic admins’ abilities?


21-06-2006 04:30:07 UTC

Mostly the latter, from what I understand.  It’s not like it’s gonna hurt anyone.

Seventy-Fifth Trombone:

21-06-2006 07:05:50 UTC

Mostly so BlogNomic admins can have the amount of control they deserve.  Plus, I’m less enamored than I once was of EE as a platform for my own site.  Gonna move my stuff to WordPress or Drupal.