Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Proposal: Variable Strength Population Crises

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 1 vote to 3 by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 Aug 2023 14:41:27 UTC

In the rule “Upsides and Downsides”, replace “Gain 5 People” with “Gain 2DICE4 People”, “Lose 5 People (or all People if you have fewer than 5)” with “Lose 2DICE4 People (or all your People if you have fewer than that many) and “lose 10 People” with “lose 4DICE4 People (or all People if you have fewer than that many)”.

In any Ongoing Dilemmas, replace all instances of “lose 10 People” with “lose 10 People (or all People if you have fewer than that many)” and “all People if you have fewer than 5” with “all your People if you have fewer than that many”.

Add the following to the end of the rule “Upsides and Downsides”:

Where an Upside or Downside contains a dice roller formula, it is valid with any possible value of the roll substituted for that formula”.

In the steps of Posing a Dilemma in the rule Dilemmas, before the step containing “Make a blog post”, add the following step:

* Roll any dice formulas in the selected Upside and Downside, and replace the formulas with the corresponding results in the selections (but not in the instances in the rule “Upsides and Downsides” itself)


lemon: she/her

08-08-2023 19:59:08 UTC

i’m not happy about the extra unnecessary randomness, nor about how unintuitively those last two blockquotes are worded


08-08-2023 20:18:26 UTC

It’s not particularly more random than the Upside and Downside selection itself, it’s just more elegant than having “Gain 3 People”, “Gain 4 People” etc. as separate consequences

Kevan: he/him

08-08-2023 20:29:35 UTC

It feels like it might be useful to work towards all Upsides and Downsides being approximately equal in weight: if we can agree that (in a total vacuum) 5 People are worth 1 Food is worth 1 Defences etc, then any pair of generated Outcomes will be equally valuable and hard to choose between in isolation, only varying for players according to their investments and plans.

I’m not sure what we’d gain by putting a thumb at random on the scales for People-related Outcomes.

lemon: she/her

08-08-2023 23:51:44 UTC

against yeah, i’ve been working on roughly the same assumption as Kevan — that getting actual resource gains should be rare and difficult, and most Dilemma Outcomes should be net-neutral, just shifting our resources so that we can specialise into specific ones. it should be the peripheral mechanics (like Gathering and Innovating) that we can leverage to get ahead in the central resource-shuffling game :0

Kevan: he/him

09-08-2023 08:00:10 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

09-08-2023 14:38:06 UTC

against per Kevan and lemon