Proposal: Veto Eto To O
Timed out and enacted, 4-0. Josh
Adminned at 27 Aug 2021 18:28:26 UTC
Add the following as a subrule of the rule Statistics, called Vetoes:
As a daily action, a Legislator with a positive amount of Empathy may spend 5 Empathy or an amount of Empathy that would reduce their Empathy to zero, whichever is greater, to cast a legal vote of VETO on a pending proposal as if they were the Wielder of Vetoes.
Add the following to the Mandate List:
Its author did not cast a vote of VETO on any proposal during the day on which the proposal was posted.
If “Ambiguity” passes, the mandate can’t take into account votes cast after the proposal’s posting.
Either way, this is timing sensitive in that activity spanning midnight has more options for dodging the mandate.