Monday, August 27, 2018

Call for Judgment: [Victory] CfJ finale

timed out 2-5 failed by card

Adminned at 30 Aug 2018 01:16:30 UTC

Fail all other pending Calls For Judgement. Fail all pending Declarations of Victory.
For any mortals that have achieved victory this dynasty from a CfJ other than this one, consider them to not have achieved victory.
Randomly choose an unidle mortal other than card. That mortal has acheived victory. If that mortal has submitted one or more DoVs this dynasty, consider their DoVs submitted this dynasty to have failed with no against votes.

let’s fix the CfJ problem with more CfJs!
this one resolves victory fairly, makes sure victory for this dynasty is done from this cfj and removed possible multiple victors


Lulu: she/her

28-08-2018 00:06:27 UTC


derrick: he/him

28-08-2018 00:37:12 UTC

As a note, the line

“If that mortal has submitted one or more DoVs this dynasty, consider their DoVs submitted this dynasty to have failed with no against votes.”

affects neither the gamestate nor the ruleset, and so has no effect. Interestingly, cuddlebeam would have won, he just wouldn’t be able to submit a valid DoV for a bit, and we’d probably CfJ that.


28-08-2018 02:08:55 UTC

DoV and their states including what are considered valid votes for them are gamestate. unless I’m missing something I don’t see how it does not affect the gamstate. besides it’s only relevant if Cuddlebeam wins the roll.

Brendan: he/him

28-08-2018 05:19:40 UTC

This is great. There should be an entire dynasty devoted to competing random methods of choosing who wins the dynasty.


28-08-2018 11:21:21 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-08-2018 15:49:35 UTC

Handing victories to players who join or unidle after the CfJ is made seems risky for making this a popularity contest - asking idle players or passing friends to join the game and pass the mantle if they win.


derrick: he/him

28-08-2018 15:53:20 UTC

Isn’t blognomic always something of a popularity contest?

against anyways.


28-08-2018 16:05:26 UTC

against I won the roll (again)


29-08-2018 01:50:45 UTC

[Kevan] popularity contest? this is a die roll resolution. the instances of known people getting others to join in order to conspire with them within the last year has been limited to 2-4 people brought over from AgoraNomic by Cuddlebeam. I really doubt something like that is going to happen in this instance.

Kevan: he/him

29-08-2018 08:05:03 UTC

[card] Even without new people joining, a die roll resolution is always something of a popularity contest - if the win lands in the lap of a player who didn’t want it and has no plan for it, being charming or having other forms of social standing within the game puts you in a strong position for having the mantle passed to you.

I think full-blown conspiracies are rare because we’re generally slightly cautious about trading rules, and we tend to lock things down a bit towards endgame, which is the only point at which a conspiracy really makes sense (if you stage one too early in the dynasty, it’ll just get voted apart). But this is a straight multiply-your-win-chance-by-accomplices option at the very, very end of a dynasty.

Let’s see what happens.



29-08-2018 09:18:58 UTC

Just to note that I didn’t deliberately bring them over lol, I just talk fairly often about Blognomic on Agora, which I suspect acted as advertisement. Comparisons about the pros/cons of each style of nomic, etc.

I “conspire” pretty often at the endgame. A lot of us do, it’s pretty normal apparently, given the Dynasty Histories.

Kevan: he/him

29-08-2018 12:12:10 UTC

against CoV.


29-08-2018 15:23:40 UTC



29-08-2018 15:53:05 UTC

against CoV

Lulu: she/her

29-08-2018 22:45:50 UTC
