Friday, October 21, 2011

Victory Condition

Any time witihin 24 hours of the enactment of this Proposal, the last Artist who voted for (:FOR:) it may validly declare victory under rule 1.8.


Soviet Brendon: Idle

21-10-2011 16:49:30 UTC

Not a proposal

ais523: Custodian

21-10-2011 16:50:10 UTC

Sure, any of us can DoV. Doesn’t mean we’ve won…

Ornithopter: Idle

21-10-2011 16:51:07 UTC

And unlikely to pass anyhow.

scshunt: Idle

21-10-2011 16:54:14 UTC

Not to mention that this just means that the enacting admin wins.

Prince Anduril: Idle

21-10-2011 16:55:15 UTC

I was thinking of something a bit more serious.

ChronosPhaenon: Idle

21-10-2011 16:57:59 UTC

Ok, repropping.