Proposal: Victory Goes To The Man In The Arena
Self-killed. Josh
Adminned at 07 Feb 2015 18:15:46 UTC
If the proposal “As Far as I Could Throw It” has been enacted,
add a new rule “Victory”:
No Human Crewmember may declare victory unless they are not disabled and the Humans are Triumphant. No Android Crewmember may declare victory unless they are not disabled and the Androids are Triumphant.
ais523: Custodian
Doesn’t this fall into the same problem which caused us to enact Triumphancy in the first place?
(Besides, I don’t really like this mechanic anyway. Partly because of the instant-blackmail effect by which Androids can cause someone to immediately lose the dynasty. Partly because having a large set of people who literally can’t win is not a good way to keep people engaged.)