Proposal: Viral Corruption Redux
Times out @ 1-4. - Jumble
Adminned at 08 May 2021 01:57:38 UTC
Add the following subrule, called “Corruption”, to the rule “Data”:
When an AI who has one or more Viruses in the Data Store of the Location with their Hosting Tag performs an action that is recorded to the Behavior Log, they must first roll a DICE20, naming in the Dice Roller post the action they intend to perform. If the result is equal to or lower than the number of Viruses sharing a Location with their Hosting tag, they must remove one Virus from that Location and then Glitch.
When an AI Glitches, the action they intended to perform is altered, but the AI may not abandon the action. If they intended to take the Focusing action, the target Location is changed to a randomly selected Location that AI can legally choose while Focusing. Otherwise, instead of performing their intended action, the AI must perform a different legal Conspicious or Treacherous action.
After Glitching, an AI may try again to perform their intended action if it is still legal.
we still don’t have a way for AIs to attack other AIs nor a significant reason that an ICE Daemon giving you viruses is bad! so here’s a simplified corruption system: each virus is a 5% chance of a one-time action misfire.
Clucky: he/him
ICE Daemon is already bad enough due to the suspicion in gives you. And this just feels finicky