Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Proposal: Virtual Actions [Building Blocks]

Timed out, 3-2 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 11 Jan 2024 17:04:17 UTC

Add a new rule to the Building Blocks page called “Virtual Actions” as follows:

A Virtual Action is a type of action that the Grim Reaper performs on behalf of a Necromancer. A Necromancer may initiate a virtual action by privately communicating to the Grim Reaper their request to do so, along with any additional information needed to carry it out. The Grim Reaper shall resolve the Virtual Action by performing the following Atomic Action:
1. Determine whether the Virtual Action fails (if it does not fail, it is successful).
2. If the action is successful, apply any specified effects on the gamestate and/or perform any specified actions on behalf of the Necromancer.

If a Virtual Action fails, the Grim Reaper should tell the Necromancer why. A virtual action may fail for any of these reasons:
* Some requirements/prerequisites to perform the action are not met.
* The request does not contain all the information needed to resolve the action.
* The request is unintelligible, or too vague to interpret unambiguously.
* It would require the Grim Reaper to do something they cannot do.
* Any other reason specified by the action itself.

Except where otherwise stated by the ruleset, the Grim Reaper must resolve all virtual actions in the order that they are received. A virtual action is considered to have occurred at the time it was resolved.

Until a virtual action is resolved, it is pending. A Necromancer may cancel a pending Virtual Action by privately communicating to the Grim Reaper their request to do so.

We’ve been using this informally for the past few dynasties and it’s been getting more and more complicated, so I think it will be helpful to standardize the mechanic. I actually drafted this for a specific dynasty I am planning, but since we are using it a lot I figured it would be convenient to have as a building block.



09-01-2024 16:14:09 UTC

I think putting “except where otherwise stated by the ruleset” makes it more clear that the statement applies to the whole sentence. Otherwise, actions performed on this rule’s wording might be applied immediately, which isn’t always to the player’s benefit.


09-01-2024 16:14:53 UTC

There goes me sending messages without reading. I meant to say “at the beginning of the sentence”

Josh: he/they

09-01-2024 16:15:35 UTC

I believe that this is an excessively wordy attempt to problematise natural language and will probs vote against.

Zack: he/him

09-01-2024 16:26:35 UTC

Thanks @naught, fixed.

@Josh I agree it’s a little on the long side but that’s because the way we are doing it informally in the ruleset is already pretty wordy and all over the place. This is comprehensive and all in one place so defined actions are straightforward and there’s no ambiguity about how to perform or resolve them.

Clucky: he/him

09-01-2024 16:50:11 UTC

From my experience actions getting resolved in the specific order they are requested I think is a negative game trait. Dynasties tend to have more success when they are split into distinct blocks, everyone makes their move in those blocks, and then there is some other resolution other than “whoever goes first” to resolve those blocks

Zack: he/him

09-01-2024 16:58:14 UTC

@Clucky That’s just a default behavior to make sure things are done consistently and fairly and so it’s not ambiguous or up to the Grim Reaper’s interpretation for what order to do things. Every dynasty is different and it’s easy to override that to fit the rhythm of a specific dynasty (see my other proposal for a practical example).

Clucky: he/him

09-01-2024 17:00:16 UTC

the default should encourage a positive gameplay loop not a negative one

Zack: he/him

09-01-2024 17:04:12 UTC

I think I will remove “the Grim Reaper may resolve a virtual action as soon as they receive it” and just make it “Except where otherwise stated by the ruleset, the Grim Reaper must resolve all virtual actions in the order that they are received” since the Grim Reaper has the power to resolve them as soon as they are received anyway if the rules don’t specifically say otherwise.

Zack: he/him

09-01-2024 17:08:33 UTC

I don’t see how resolving them in the order is negative, whether they’re resolved as they arrive or batched and resolved all at once. Would you rather I make it random, or leave it up to the Grim Reaper’s discretion? Then you wouldn’t be able to do things in the specific order you want or coordinate with other Necromancers.

Kevan: he/him

09-01-2024 17:10:50 UTC

I like this, but from the later example usage in Standard Incantations, it does seem a little complex to write rules for, to the point where it might not get the usage it deserves, and may (as Events has) fall over when people don’t declare it correctly.

We currently define daily actions without having to flag that they might be declared with prerequisites and inputs and effects, even though they usually are. As a rule, you can just write “if you have a vehicle, you can spend 1 time to move to any street as a daily action” and it will work.

Could we write something which would allow the same vehicle street rule to be declared ”...as a virtual action”, and have it play out exactly as we’d expect to? Or is that optimistic?

Clucky: he/him

09-01-2024 17:25:21 UTC

Does “The Grim Reaper shall resolve the Virtual Action by performing the following Atomic Action” actually mean every virtual action gets resolved twice?

Zack: he/him

09-01-2024 17:34:45 UTC

@Kevan Yeah, I ageee the examples in Incantations are a bit complex but that’s only because we’ve already woven a tangled web of complex actions and I wanted to be as verbose as possible to make sure I kept everything exactly the way it was. If we were starting from scratch, I expect something simple like “As a virtual action, if you have a vehicle you can lose 1 time to move to a street of your choosing”. The inputs, prereqs and effects are clear enough that all you have to do is tell the Grim Reaper “I want to move to Sesame St” and they could carry it out.

Zack: he/him

09-01-2024 17:38:29 UTC

@Clucky The virtual action is resolved once. Resolving it requires performing that atomic action. I wrote it that way so that if a Grim Reaper gets halfway through resolving a VA but realizes there’s something they can’t do, they can undo the whole thing and fail the VA.

Zack: he/him

09-01-2024 18:42:28 UTC

I’ve simplified the language in this and Standard Incantations so it’s much less wordy/verbose, if anyone else has any feedback let me know!

Kevan: he/him

09-01-2024 19:18:06 UTC

In addition to “does not contain all the information needed to resolve the action” the fail list might want to rule out instructions which have conditional clauses, or which use information that the player doesn’t have access to but the Emperor does - “I go to sea unless a player has posted a storm blog entry since I submitted this”, “I move to the location of Mr X”, “I set my bid to a value one higher than the current highest bid in your inbox”. We often have to sigh and patch the third one in auction dynasties.

Zack: he/him

09-01-2024 19:38:11 UTC

That’s a good point, but I almost think that should be handled on a case-by-case basis on the off chance you want to allow something like that, so the building block is dynasty-agnostic. Actually, we have an auction mechanic in this dynasty and it’s already covered by “The Bid must be a number between 0 and that Necromancer’s Power, inclusive”.

Zack: he/him

09-01-2024 19:47:44 UTC

I actually think those are all covered by “the request does not contain all the information needed to resolve the action” because the request itself would have to include the fact of whether a player has posted a storm blog entry, or the location of Mr X, or the value of the current highest bid, or else it the request doesn’t contain enough information to resolve the action.


09-01-2024 20:26:21 UTC

I agree with Clucky that I’m not a fan of the default being resolution in order of reception. Fortunately, this Dynasty has so far specified otherwise, so we can still fix it.

Zack: he/him

09-01-2024 20:37:38 UTC

for EaV

Josh: he/they

09-01-2024 20:53:30 UTC

Much like Events, I think that this would be a bastard to actually use, and is at heart an overly prescriptive pile of verbiage in search of a real, meaningful problem to solve.  against

Clucky: he/him

10-01-2024 00:18:50 UTC


Kevan: he/him

10-01-2024 09:33:51 UTC

[Zack] True! I started with that assumption but talked myself out of it, on the grounds that an Emperor would probably accept orders of “I bid all my coins” or “I do the same thing I did last round”, so why not “I bid as many coins as Zack” or “I do what Naught did this round”.

But thinking back to the Wizard Duel dynasty we did actually enact a rule to allow a player to say “I target Bucky” when the rule technically required “I target position #3” (and where there was no way for positions to even change at that point in the game), so we probably do tend towards the literal on these.

Raven1207: he/they

10-01-2024 10:13:07 UTC


Desertfrog: Jury

11-01-2024 10:10:52 UTC
