Votes on Act #1
Now that we have the Best in Show rule, any Scripter who contributed to Act #1 can vote on the best and worst scenes from it, to decide who gains and loses popularity among the writing team. Comment on this post with your votes.
Now that we have the Best in Show rule, any Scripter who contributed to Act #1 can vote on the best and worst scenes from it, to decide who gains and loses popularity among the writing team. Comment on this post with your votes.
Best Scene: Too Quiet
Worst Scene: Crossfire.
Crossfire was just too cliched for me.
Best Scene: Bam!
Worst Scene: Useless Cops
Bam! and the dirt is gone!
Best Scene: Recurring Villain
There were a lot of rolls above five.
4+7+10+7+2+10+8+7+6+9+10+4+6+5+9 = 104
Luckily for me, Jupiter voted against a non-existant scene. RODLAN, not ROLDAN.
So far:
Best Scene: Recurring Villain (4)
Too Quiet (2)
Backup (1)
Going Down (1)
Bam! (1)
Crossfire (1)
Worst Scene: RODLAN WUZ HARE (including alternate spellings) (4)
Crossfire (3)
Politics Loses (1)
Useless Cops (1)
A small family. (1)
Best Scene: The Cops Never Win
(Reason: Could be put together really well, especially if done evasive gun-fu style.)
Worst: Crossfire
(Reason: Almost the same opening premise as The Cops Never Win, but with a poorer execution.)
We’re just “voting on which Scene”, we aren’t “stating the exact title of which Scene”.
However, you have to vote on scenes that actually exist. As “ROLDAN WUZ HARE” and “RODLEN WUZ HARE” don’t actually exist, they wouldn’t be counted. And, as obvious typos can only be fixed in the ruleset…
It’s still obious which scene they voted for, whether they spelled it right or not
there are no exact rules on the voting process. It does not state that you have to vote for both parts in one comment, also if ‘RODLAN WUZ HARE’ and ‘RODLEN WUZ HARE’ are not scenes, then they have not yet placed their vote for a worst scene, since they have not voted for a scene to be the worst. in my opinion there is nothing to stop them commenting their vote for worst scene using the ‘correct’ spelling.
So long as it’s unambiguous which scene the Scripter being voted for, it’s a vote. I could have voted for “that scene with the monocle” - that sort of vote would be a bit annoying to tally, but there’s nothing in the rule that says I have to give the Scene name.
Your own votes of “Too Quiet” (actual scene had a full stop at the end) and “Crossfire.” (actual scene had no full stop) are also fine.
We should have a CfJ about it! I miss the days when Call for Judgement ruled BlogNomic . . . actually I hated several things about those days, especially when anonymous CfJ got abused so much that we had to eliminate him. But it all feels nostalgic now.
Rodlen, the votes against you are valid, else I open a big can of whoop-ass the next time you attempt to create a Scene. You know what I’m saying, people who have read the Ruleset carefully enough.
I declare voting to be closed.
The best scene was Recurring Villain by Gnauga (4). The worst scenes were RODLAN WUZ HARE by Rodlen (4), and Crossfire by SingularByte (4). Adjusting Popularity now…
Kevan: he/him
Best Scene: Recurring Villain.