Voting definition
Some relevant rule texts:
* From Law 1.2:
Admin may render a Deity idle if that Deity has failed to vote for more than a week
* From Law 1.4:
Any Deity may cast eir Vote on a Pending Proposal by declaring it in the comments of the entry. Valid votes are FOR, AGAINST, and DEFERENTIAL,
* From Law 1.6:
All Deities may add votes of agreement or disagreement in comments to this entry, using appropriate voting icons (a Deity’s later votes overriding eir earlier ones).
It seems, in a very clear way, that votes in a CfJ counts against the time restraints for Idleness. Therefore, I think that any idleing of a Deity based solely on last time e voted in a Proposal will be highly ilegal.
Where are CfJ’s mentioned in anything you just quoted?
It seems to me that the ruleset is extremely clear in defining “Vote”, in game terms, as only being applicable on a Proposal, and nowhere are CfJ’s defined as Proposals.