Friday, June 18, 2021

Proposal: Waiting To Be Judged

Timed out / quorumed 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 20 Jun 2021 19:35:00 UTC

In “Richardo’s Journey”


If no noise has been heard from the Crypt for at least 24 hours (noise is heard from the Crypt whenever a Power Action is taken or the Crypt is Entered), Richardo von Nestor may Enter the Crypt,


If no noise has been heard from the Crypt for at least 24 hours (noise is heard from the Crypt whenever a Power Action is taken or the Crypt is Entered), and there are no pending calls for judgement which have the tag “[Pressing]”, Richardo von Nestor may Enter the Crypt,

We might have to just get josh to play it cool on this one, but it occurs to me that we could wind up in situations like with the treasure chests where various people disagree with how the rulings have been interpreted and the best thing to do is just go “lets wait until this issues is resolved”

This allows people to go “hey I want this resolved before the next run” without needing to spend power actions delaying the timer.


ais523: Custodian

19-06-2021 02:18:00 UTC

for although I don’t expect this to do anything.

Janet: she/her

19-06-2021 02:41:41 UTC


Josh: he/they

19-06-2021 06:21:32 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

19-06-2021 07:14:37 UTC


lemon: she/her

19-06-2021 08:48:28 UTC


Kevan: he/him

19-06-2021 14:04:07 UTC

for Seems safe to assume that bad faith claims that something is Pressing will be shot down very quickly.