want to take part in blognomic
Hi there,
I (Keba) like to take part in your Nomic. Well, I dont think you need any further information, but if you do so: Just ask me :)
Kind regards, Keba.
Hi there,
I (Keba) like to take part in your Nomic. Well, I dont think you need any further information, but if you do so: Just ask me :)
Kind regards, Keba.
You’re in. Check your email for your GNDT password. Feel free to adopt a role as described in the Rule “Roles”. We don’t have a butler yet.
Oh, yeah. I might never get a chance to say this again: Quorum remains at 17.
Nor a director. I just noticed that my phrase “film director” doesn’t match with “director” in the existing rule.
Greetings, Keba. How did you discover this here nomic?
Hi there,
Thanks for your answers and welcome messages. Ill read the rules now, hopefully Ill find something to change :)
@ Aqua: Ive found the Nomic wiki page of the german pirate party [1], were interested in Nomics, and so I started searching the internet for active Nomics. While Google was not really helpfull, the Englisch wikipedia mentioned [2] you and I liked your way to handling too complicate rules with dynasties. So I decided to join. See what will happen (and how long Ive to wait until I win :P)
Kind regards, Keba
[1] http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Nomic (german!)
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomic
Welcome Keba. Always nice to see new players. To kinda put an idea on a timeframe for winning, it also depends on the theme lol. It took me a yr and a political theme to win.
You’ll probably win sometime 8 months from now or later. It’s important that people like you; often dynasties are either won by alliances or “you can include the name of one player in your EVC; whichever player gets the most votes wins” proposals.
Roujo: he/him
Yay! More new players! =D