Monday, January 18, 2010

want to take part in blognomic

Hi there,

I (Keba) like to take part in your Nomic. Well, I dont think you need any further information, but if you do so: Just ask me :)

Kind regards, Keba.


Roujo: he/him

18-01-2010 23:30:50 UTC

Yay! More new players! =D

Roujo: he/him

18-01-2010 23:31:20 UTC

More to the point: Welcome to BlogNomic, Keba! =)


19-01-2010 00:35:13 UTC

You’re in.  Check your email for your GNDT password.  Feel free to adopt a role as described in the Rule “Roles”.  We don’t have a butler yet.


19-01-2010 00:36:40 UTC

Oh, yeah.  I might never get a chance to say this again:  Quorum remains at 17.


19-01-2010 01:11:31 UTC

Nor a director. I just noticed that my phrase “film director” doesn’t match with “director” in the existing rule.

Aquafraternally Yours:

19-01-2010 04:02:00 UTC

Greetings, Keba.  How did you discover this here nomic?


19-01-2010 19:34:59 UTC

Hi there,

Thanks for your answers and welcome messages. Ill read the rules now, hopefully Ill find something to change :)

@ Aqua: Ive found the Nomic wiki page of the german pirate party [1], were interested in Nomics, and so I started searching the internet for active Nomics. While Google was not really helpfull, the Englisch wikipedia mentioned [2] you and I liked your way to handling too complicate rules with dynasties. So I decided to join. See what will happen (and how long Ive to wait until I win :P)

Kind regards, Keba

[1] (german!)

Darknight: he/him

19-01-2010 23:34:59 UTC

Welcome Keba. Always nice to see new players. To kinda put an idea on a timeframe for winning, it also depends on the theme lol. It took me a yr and a political theme to win.


20-01-2010 00:09:49 UTC

You’ll probably win sometime 8 months from now or later. It’s important that people like you; often dynasties are either won by alliances or “you can include the name of one player in your EVC; whichever player gets the most votes wins” proposals.