Proposal: Warm Fusion
Passes 7-1 with 3 defs—arthexis
Adminned at 28 Oct 2008 07:22:40 UTC
Add the following text before the last sentence of rule 2.3, “Health”:
If a Clansman could perform Healing, they may instead perform a Blood Transfusion. If they do so, they set the Health of another non-Dead Clansman to the previous value in the list just like in Healing, except that the other Clansman may already be Healthy. The Clansman performing the Blood Transfusion then receives Damage.
You know what’s cool about this rule? You can make anyone else Superb, but you can’t get there yourself. More than that, in any group one Clansman can’t be Superb if all the others are. Access (or not) to transfusions could be a reason for choosing a Clan.
Kevan: he/him