Proposal: Waterproof Mantle [Core] [Special Case]
Timed out 1 vote to 2. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 01 Dec 2022 11:39:27 UTC
To the “Fair Play” bullet points, add:-
* If the Mantle Limitations Special Case rule was active during the previous dynasty, the Proprietor should not attempt to pass the role of Proprietor to another Group in return for a favour performed during that dynasty.
Remove “(Groups should also not make deals based on being made Emperor of the next dynasty by other means than achieving victory or being passed the mantle.)” from the Special Case rule “Mantle Limitations”.
The Mantle Limitations clause about cross-dynastic deals is currently a mild “should” with no wider context: it would be clearer with the weight of Fair Play behind it. It would also make more sense to police the actual payout of any such deal, rather than only its agreement.
Josh: he/they
I have some reservations with this, a lot of which stem from the rule attempting to police mens rea.
For one: what about the scenario where an Emperor falls sick, or has a family emergency, or needs to step away from the game for a while - and needs to pass their role over? Does that rule previous co-operators out entirely? Because under those circumstances it seems more natural to pass over the role to someone with an aligned approach or vision.
“Their role” is vague; in this dynasty Bucky could have the role of Ball Toss Champion, and this wording would prohibit the passage of that role as well as that of Emperor. (Not wanting Ball Toss Champion passed based on previous dynasty favours is legit but it’s still outside of the ostensible scope of this proposal.
All of this becomes a much more acute problem when it starts carrying Fair Play weight - I think I find that the current prohibition is strong enough, as evidenced by no-one ever having tried to test it.