Proposal: We don’t need no stinkin’ Room Types
Quorums 8-0. — Quirck
Adminned at 12 Dec 2022 16:43:37 UTC
In the rule “Rooms” remove the following bullet:
* A Type, defaulting to Central Hall
In the rule “Rooms” remove the word “Type” from the following text and fix any grammatical issues with commas or the word “and” that result from removing the word:
All of the qualities of a Room are publicly tracked, except for its Type
In the rule “Rooms” remove the entire paragraph that starts with the text:
Every Room Type has Characteristics
In the rule “Rooms”, remove the “Types” table and add the following text at the end of the rule:
When a Room is added, the Narrator may set the values of any of the Room’s qualities as part of adding the Room.
Room Types don’t really seem to help in room design and just make it that much harder to be flexible. I’d rather clean up the rules a bit by removing them. If you think that they should stay, make the case for it.
quirck: he/him
So rooms become dark by default?