Monday, June 28, 2021

Proposal: “We helped patch up Richardo’s wounds. He was suffering from an undefined injury.”

Enacted popular, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 30 Jun 2021 09:11:52 UTC

In “Crypt Denizens”, change

When a Denizen injures Richardo von Nestor, each Vampire Lord whose name is contained in its Sycophancy


When Richardo von Nestor becomes Lightly Wounded or Grievously Injured upon Encountering a Denizen, each Vampire Lord whose name is contained in that Denizen’s Sycophancy

Additionally, if the rule “Crypt Denizens” contains a bullet point starting with the word “Bloodsoaked”, amend it to read as follows:

  • Bloodsoaked: When the Crypt Settles, if Richardo von Nestor became Lightly Wounded or Grievously Injured upon Encountering this Denizen in this Enter the Crypt action, all Vampire Lords with Sigils in the room where the Encounter took place gain Puissance equal to the Energy lost by Richardo von Nestor as a result of the Encounter (+2)

A fix I missed in the Denizen cleanup: although flavourful, the verb “injures” is currently undefined, and the rules aren’t written to suggest that the Denizen specifically causes the injury (as opposed to, e.g., Richardo panicking and running into a wall). Sometimes having clear flavour makes it easy to miss that the concepts you’re using aren’t properly defined.

Also making the same fix to Josh’s new rule, if it gets enacted, because it contains similar language.


Brendan: he/him

29-06-2021 18:29:06 UTC


Janet: she/her

29-06-2021 20:51:30 UTC


Josh: he/they

29-06-2021 20:52:28 UTC


Clucky: he/him

29-06-2021 22:08:51 UTC


Lulu: she/her

30-06-2021 03:54:04 UTC


Kevan: he/him

30-06-2021 08:52:30 UTC
