Proposal: We need a change, damnit.
Vetoed. -IX
Adminned at 14 Dec 2005 14:01:35 UTC
Change the imperial voting icon to something more text-adventurish, at the Narrator’s discretion.
Change the colour scheme of to whatever 75th Trombone wishes, as long as a quorum of Protagonists decides that it is widely different than the current colour scheme.
Urge 75th trombone to use white, or maybe a nice green.
Threaten 75th trombone with an insult to his dynasty theme if he uses yellow as a main color.
Realise that a threat like that has no grounding since this is a magnificent theme for a nomic.
Bow head in shame in attempting to threaten the Narrator.
I vote
as I like white on black ;P.