Proposal: We need a system
Self Killed—Clucky
Adminned at 24 Oct 2020 21:28:37 UTC
On the “The Mosaic”, add
A column and call it “Points”
And in “Dynastic Rules”, add
a subsection called “Points System”
With the subrules in it being
Each Monk during their “Turn” will be able to gain points depending where place their tile and which conditions it satisfied. Additionally, they will be kept track on the “Points” column on “The Mosaic”
Any conditions on “Points System” on placement of the tile on the “The Mosaic” that are satisfied will give or take away points from that Monk on the “Points” column on “The Mosaic”
Everyone Monk starts will start out with 0 on “The Mosaic” under the “Point” column and will only be an integer through the Dynasty.
Clucky: he/him
I think this proposal needs a second pass to make it more understandable. What is “On the “The Mosaic”, add” supposed to mean? Generally if you add something to the rules, you need to indicate where in the rules you want to add it not just which rule you want to add it to.
Also there is no concept of “During a Monks turn”. Turns are a resource that Monks spent, but the concept of a Monk’s turn isn’t actually defined for this dynasty.