Proposal: We Need Compensation
We’ll charitably call this “Self-Killed”. Josh
Adminned at 12 Feb 2007 01:56:26 UTC
Replace the first paragraph of 2.1 Filmographies with
Each actor has a Filmography, which is stored in a wiki page called “Filmographiesâ€. This is a list of the films that each Actor has starred in, and for each film:
* The year of that film
* The role that they played in the film
* The amount of Fame earned from the roleWhen adding a role to eir Filmography, an Actor shall calculate the fame e has earned for that role as specified in 2.4.1 “Role Values”.
Replace 2.4 Fame with
Every Actor has a Fame statistic, tracked in the GNDT. Fame is an integer from 0-100. Actors start with a Fame of 0. An Actor’s Fame is the sum of the Fame earned from each of the roles in eir Filmography. At any time, an Actor may update the GNDT to reflect the current Fame value for any Actor. A role’s Fame value is determined solely at the time the role is added to an Actor’s Filmography, and cannot be changed except as explicitly stated by other rules.
2.4.1 Role Values
* If the role is as an Extra, it is worth 1 Fame.
* If the role is as a Minor Character, it is worth 3DICE6 Fame.
* If the role is as a Named Character, and the Actor is not currently the subject of any Gossip stories, it is worth 3DICE6 Fame.
* If the role is as a Named Character, and the Actor is currently the subject of exactly one Gossip story, it is worth 5DICE6 Fame.
* If the role is as a Named Character, and the Actor is currently the subject of more than one Gossip story, it is worth 2DICE6 Fame.
Calculate Fame values (per 2.4.1) for all roles currently in the Filmographies.
Update all Actor’s Fame values on the GNDT.
Josh: he/they