Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Proposal: We need to know everything

Enacted, 5-0. Josh

Adminned at 01 Jan 2021 20:09:09 UTC

In rule “Pilots and Shells”, change:

At any time each Pilot may be Outfitting, Jockeying or Recovering, defaulting to Outfitting, and their status is publicly tracked. A Outfitting or Jockeying Pilot has the following tracked information: a Shell Type (whether Archetype or Subtype), amounts of Power, Attack and Defence (which are all non-negative integer or “-”), all of which are “-” by default. A Shell Type of “-” means the Pilot lacks a Shell. Each Pilot has an Arsenal, which is a list of Arms, or “-” to indicate empty Arsenal.


At any time each Pilot may be Outfitting, Jockeying or Recovering, defaulting to Outfitting, and their status is publicly tracked. A Outfitting or Jockeying Pilot has the following tracked information: a Shell Type (whether Archetype or Subtype), amounts of Power, Attack, Defence, and Speed (which are all non-negative integer or “-”), all of which are “-” by default. A Shell Type of “-” means the Pilot lacks a Shell. Each Pilot has an Arsenal, which is a list of Arms, or “-” to indicate empty Arsenal.

Sorta obvious…..


Josh: Mastermind he/they

30-12-2020 17:01:23 UTC



30-12-2020 19:50:32 UTC


Darknight: he/him

30-12-2020 23:03:38 UTC



01-01-2021 12:45:53 UTC
